Launched this month, the employer claims it’s the first of its kind to be available in the country-wide market. It represents ‘a milestone in accomplishing leadership in virtual transformation inside the travel insurance zone’.
Hey Mondo’s founder, Ricard Domenech, stated the app meets the purpose of in search of ‘regular development in the user’s enjoyment, not handiest at the time of purchase however additionally while the instant of fact arrives when it’s time to make use of the insurance’ and that it will show to be a ‘disruptive innovation in the journey coverage quarter.’
The app is designed to allow users to make internet calls to their insurer’s loss through public Wi-Fi connections in the case of an incident.
Mondo said this overcame a commonplace problem for many travelers who travel without their phones. Even if they hold their familiar line frequently, they must withstand having to pay highly-priced payments earlier than they can make an emergency call.
Other features of the app encompass a 24-hour medical chat service that enables the patron to ‘remedy doubts’ over health issues and a guide for transmitting details of any incident to connect copies of documents. “Our objective in developing this app is to provide an approach to the obstacles in communications that visitors meet, making less difficult a system that is usually complex in negative situations inclusive of the lack of a phone line or the language barrier,” said Domenech. “We try [to make] the assistance received to be an easy and intuitive procedure through a new generation, however, without dropping the warm temperature of the human element.”